Home Office with Apple iMac 'DO MORE' on screen - Photo by Carl Heyerdahl on Unsplash

Are you constantly being asked to 'Do More' with the same budget

Let us show you how you could employ a suitable and affordable Audiovisual Solution for your business.

Having seen the impact that Covid has had on businesses, not just in terms of the devastation it has had but also how it has forced many Technical and Business Managers (including HR Departments) to come to terms with remote working, Zoom and Team meetings. Also converting ordinary meeting rooms into Audiovisual Conference Rooms with capacities from 2 or 3 up to 15 to 20 or more!

This, all needs planning, budgeting, and integrating into your existing systems and Network and it’s all relatively new to you and as you are finding out managing Audiovisual technology can be very different to what you’re used to.

This will be an even more daunting task as you are asked to 'Do More' with your existing budget …on top of everything else that you need to do on a day-to-day basis!

Before you can even consider that, you need to draw up specifications for an Audiovisual Solution that is probably as alien to you as knowing all the component parts of the ‘Millennium Falcon’!

You then need to convince your board that this is an important and valuable addition to the company’s ‘Network’ to remain competitive in today’s economy. This movement towards investing in SMART Workspaces is now a necessity in todays’ work environment whether your staff and managers are working from home or in the office. It makes sense to look at all the options and how your business can realistically afford the best possible solution.

By using an Audiovisual Consultancy, however, like Astratto Technologies with years of experience we will guide you through the process and look to demystify the situation. In the first instance, we will discuss with you what you really need achieve with from this Audiovisual Solution and develop a plan, that includes designing and quoting for the right system for you (not what happens to be on the shelf)! This can be supported with demonstrations with our key manufacturers if required.

Once the system or systems have been installed, we will then make sure they are properly tested and commissioned with training provided…the aim being to leave you with a set up that is complex enough to provide the best quality possible, for your budget, and yet simple enough for your staff to operate efficiently and effectively. We will then ensure that all the warranties are in place and that support is available to ensure smooth running after completing the installation.

So, what are the next steps? In the first instance you could well want to establish the need and for what kind of system together with an idea of budget. So, you will need to understand if the demands on your current Network with Zoom or Team enabled computers and other devices is sufficient and that you have a capable broadband supply to manage the additional bandwidth. Also, what is the appetite of your Managers/Directors for the additional services and equipment, are they invested in this development because they need to also understand the benefits it brings as will other departments. If cost is a possible issue, then establishing some comparisons or even better savings that could be made by implementing an Audiovisual Solution will add weight to your proposal. Talk to us as early as possible in the process as we can help with all these questions and help you plan for the ideal solution. As far as budgeting goes, we have developed a simple excel template that will enable you to quickly assess the current costs of your various meetings and provide you with an idea of costs that could be eliminated, thus providing you with an outline budget.

Even if you believe you are not ready to address this area of responsibility it still makes sense to see how much potentially your company could save and re-invest in Audiovisual equipment and associated technologies to make your life better. Hopefully you will be pleasantly surprised or even shocked at how much this could potentially save! Also feel free to share it amongst department heads but ensure they feedback the savings and questions to you. Then contact us and we will arrange a suitable meeting time and date.

Don’t forget our aim is to provide you with an Audiovisual Solution that is complex enough to provide the best quality possible, for your budget, and yet simple enough for your staff to operate efficiently and effectively.  That your director’s will also be pleased with and want to use to demonstrate their commitment to a new future for doing business and your FD will be even happier to support as it’s saving him money and HR a load of stressful staff issues!

Let us show you how you could employ a suitable and affordable Audiovisual Solution for your business, that will integrate with your existing system processes and provide you with a realistic ROI.


Employ a suitable and affordable Audio Visual Solution for your business WORK SMARTER

Two Screens showing a sign to the left of them saying WORK  - Photo by Patrick Tomasso on Unsplash

Contact us

If you would like to find out more or to hear how we can help you solve your Audiovisual problems please get in touch.

We look forward to hearing from you soon.

Get in Touch here.